Everyone in this world wants to lead a successful life and every day we spent a lot of time hunting success. We always want to do something great that could eventually turn our name into some prominent figures and eventually add weight to our name. Many a time will have made our minds occupied thinking of greatest money making ventures, incredible inventions, breaking records, competing for the best of the prize etc. In all the hustle for leading a successful lives, we never seem to be satisfied but the successes we have made so far and all day we continue to hunt for success. I am not calling for people to be satisfied with the little successes we have made so far but I am trying to bring out the problems we all face in quest for success. Why is it that we never get that successful to our satisfaction even after applying those success principle we were taught? Success in my own understanding depends on its foundation.

The first step to success is Identity, It is at that moment you identify yourself and your purpose in this life such that whatever you achieve is based on your purpose. The problem with our dissatisfaction is that we have compared our lives by standards set by misguided elements in our society. There have told us that owning a car, mansion, all the luxuries, a lot of money, holding an office, having the best connections, having a lot of friends is the true success we should all search for but my question is after all these claims everyone is complaining of hypertension and all the social problems. Some of the people are not even willing to share their successes because society has told them that the world is in search of the best and theirs deserve no space in this world. We have lost many potentials that could change the world because we too obsessed with great success.  I met a group of youths who were arguing that all the best of inventions and technological advancements have already been developed and they went further to say Can anything good come out of Africa and I softly replied them that they should patiently wait for the African age. It is only at that moment that we identify ourselves at personal and national level with our problems that we perfectly design tailor made solutions to our problems. If we set our own standards we see that whatever progress we make will bring the joy in your life unlike comparing your progress to someone’s standards. Let’s say after a year of trading as a small trader you make a profit of $1000 and you share your success story with a bakery owner who have made $400 000, you would probably be tempted to think that your success is not worthy if you are to compare your profit with that of the bakery owner but only maybe if you are to compare it with your last year’s profits where you made a paltry $300. Comparing it with your previous success you would see that indeed you have made it. Success is subjective, what you call success to another person is just nothing and also what you call nothing to someone it is really worthy a celebration. To Christians Identity is fundamentally based on God, “If you want to be really successful, find out what God wants to you to do with your life and then dedicate yourself to achieving it”. At the time, I didn’t really like that idea; I did not believe that my life could have any particular purpose and I did not think that anything God might have in mind would be of any interest to me in any case. Gradually, I have come to believe that what that person said to me, all those years ago, is true.