As I said before in my previous articleCAREER CHOICE 1 where I tried to explain the first stage in choosing your career and now I want to explain the second stage which I would like to pinpoint as one of the most important stage. At this stage you need to be true yourself and you should make sure that you listen to your heart and at this stage you need to pray to God that He may show you your way and make sure that you are not deceived.


At this stage it is about following your passion and your heart. As you broaden your catchment for your career you are like that person who is throwing a bucket full of water onto a surface and he is just letting the water follow the tilt of the gradient. The water is naturally flowing without any hustle and by merely observing the flow of the water you can see the actual path the water may take from one point to another without any hustle or any external force.
Now visualise the water as that experience or interactions with other people in many career field and by exposing yourself to in-depth information about the jobs you will be throwing your water onto the surface and let the water flow. You should not force the water to flow in another way but let it just take the natural path. If ever you want to be successful in your career field, you should never force yourself into any field you are not passionate about. Just let the water flow, just let your passion rule and I tell you will get the best out of your profession. Choose a career that lets your water flow, that answers all the aspects of your life, that is spiritual, social, economic, physical and physiological and never force the water to take any direction.

The time is now to make that discovery and it is never too early to let it flow and make the rightful career choice. It pains me to see many people forcing their way into many fields that maybe were never passionate about them and they stay in there maybe just because they need money or they think it is too late to change the field. Getting a post, a promotion, accolades and any successful recognition in your career does not mean you are pursuing the rightful career for you. The question is being you entirely happy with your job? It is all a matter of passion, as you have to do something that you are really passionate about and if ever you desire that in your life then throw your bucket full of water onto your surface and just observe the water flow and that path that makes the water flow naturally. Do not force it but just let if flow.
