The question has always been, what is time and I known you might have had many definitions about this precious life but I would like to make you visualise time as life because time is life and time wasted is life wasted. Many people are not even aware of the time wasters in life and I would like to say that time wasters are subjective, whilst spending the whole day at a gaming café might be time wasting to a student, it might not be so to the owner of the gaming place. As everything in life is fighting hard to get a passion of our life and the only way is through time and everything is competing for this life. Now in this article I will try to sensitise you on time wasting and help you manage your time.
The solution to effective time management does not rest in the best time planner nor maximising the rate of doing things but it all rests in priorities. What do you prioritise is one of the most important thing in life. What you prioritise get the largest share of your time and now I want you to think of those things that you spend the most of your time on every day and I want you to evaluate if they are your priority.
Many people spend most of their time gossiping and the gossip do not add value in their lives, they spend time investigating some other people’s life looking for faults and etc so that when they meet again they will have something to discuss about and the question you should always ask yourself, is if it is worth your time. Time is very precious and you must preserve it, do not waste you’re your time on useless stuff, things that do not add value to you. More time is wasted on tracking, scrutinising, and criticising other people in life than developing on yourself and no wonder why you still on the same place many years down the line. Whilst gossiping has been attached to mostly women, but these days men are also now in the trade, where they spent most of their time criticising their leaders, politicians, discussing current affairs and problems and many famous people. They are spending their time on things that do not even add value to them, discussing problems which they cannot offer solutions and to me it is of no use discussing problems which they cannot offer solutions.
To stop wasting your time you need to evaluate your habits and daily activities and I want you to mark those that add value to your life and those that do not should be automatically disqualified. All things are not necessary in life, and you should only have spent your time on things that make you grow. Growth should be part of you and make sure that what you do is making you grow, things that improve your spirituality, finances, leadership, motivation, confidence, dreams, faith and every aspect of your life. Now we have abused some other platform and one of the mostly abused is social media where we have spent almost a third of our day on them, spending many hours on television and one thing for sure is that you are trading your time for someone’s prosperity.

 Spending ^ hours watching a movie every day will mean that by the end of the week you would have pend close to two days on television. The actors are getting money through acting and they want you to always watch their content, and you are getting nothing in the deal. I am not against entertainment but you should evaluate if what you are spending your time on is really adding value to you. There is nothing wrong with soccer but if you find yourself seated the whole day watching soccer yet you do not want to use it for something that will improve you, then you are wasting your time. To some they are being paid on being soccer critics and spending there day on soccer is an investment but if you find yourself doing the same but you not getting anything in return then you should change that habit.

Only those things that improve you are what you should spend your time on and those that do not add value to you, should be eliminated as early as possible before they drown you into mediocrity. At the end of the day, you should meditate on all those things you spend your time on and most importantly that thing that took the most of your day and evaluate if it is adding value to you.