Think better & live better

In our daily lives we have two choices whether to think positive or think negative. There is power in what you think about every second, minute, day because you are creating your life & reality. What you focus on expands & you will be giving it more power. Focusing on your daily challenges you will be giving more power to your problem & it will appear as big as mountain. Focusing on solution will make your problem as small as ant.

How can you think better & live better

1.Let go of social expectations

If you take a look at how our society is made up, there are those social unwritten rules which the society expect you to follow & things you should not do. People try to measure how successful you are according to college degree, material possessions & how you look. Is this what you call success? Define your own success. Success to other people might mean peace of mind, joy, happiness, good relationship etc. Let go of social expectations & live the way you want to be remembered. If you feel to walk bare footed do it! You want to travel without wearing shirt? Do it! You can’t please everyone. The truth is everyone is focusing on their daily challenges instead of what you are doing.

2.Know thyself

Many people know everything that is happening on news, social media, fashion, latest music & entertainment industry but they don’t know who they are. Take some time to discover who you are, the gifts you are suppose to deliver on planet, your life mission on earth & the infinite potential capacity you have. For more information to help you to discover who you are check my previous article l wrote entitled “who are you”.

3.Embrace what makes you stronger

What do you stand you for? If you don’t stand up for something you will fall for anything. Stand up for your beliefs, your mission & who you are. Do you have passion? If you don’t have passion society will choose for you. Discover your passion & spend the rest of your life focusing on it. I believe I am the happiest guy on earth because I am turning my passion into profit for a living. Embrace what makes you stronger & focus on it.

4.Love yourself 100%

If you can’t love yourself you can’t love others. Loving yourself comes from knowing who you are& how special you are. Many people abuse themselves & others because they are failing to love themselves. The moment you start to love yourself you will develop self-respect & respect others without trying to change them. Feel comfortable in your own skin, develop your self -esteem regularly & feel confident in your own style & uniqueness.


I can’t mention the benefits of daily exercises because l believe everyone knows how it feels after exercising. No matter how busy l am l always include one hour of exercising in my schedule whether it’s jogging, 100 press up, indoor exercises or meditating.

6.Feed your mind

If you train your mind well it will deliver positive thoughts & unexpected results. The opposite is true. One of my favorite quote is “You become what you think about”. Protect your mind very well by upload it with positive vibes. Don’t sleep unless you learn something new even grabbing a dictionary & learn a new word. Learning does not end at school or college, even before you get married you have to learn & read books about marriage so that you prepare & understand what you are getting into. For more information read the article l wrote about “Creating your reality”.

6. Changing your diet

You are what you eat. Every single day you have a choice whether to eat to live or eat to die. What you eat also contribute to your energy levels, skin, thoughts, body structure, weight & your overall health. People from ancient times like Adam & Eve used to live up to 800 years due to fruits & natural resources they were consuming. You have freewill to what you put into your body & every food or drink has its consequences.

In conclusion, life is what you make it.

GZ Worldchanger is an Entertainer, Musician, Songwriter, Music Producer, Poet, Actor, Entrepreneur, Filmmaker, Philanthropist, Writer & Light worker. He is feeding your brain,nourishing your soul, unleashing your energy to live your life to the fullest potential & creating a better world.  Click here to read more of his work.
