I would like to visualise our life as one of the friendliest pets that most people have in their homes and this is the dog. Whilst this canine animal can be used for security, hunting, or even a friend the underlying factor is that this animal was designed or we have used it of late to benefit us and this tempted me to come up with the thought that it is always a mutual relationship. I am not a vet scientist, or a pet fanatic but I would like to derive my message from this simple relationship.
I would like to call it, ‘THE DOG AND Its OWNER’. Whilst the dog plays an important role in our life, but rarely do we often take care of it and after having stayed with dogs from childhood, I noticed something common with them and this is one thing we often overlook and this is none other than ticks. Most dogs have at least one or more ticks and no matter how often we clean them, they always have some even way after the cleaning. Why is it so then? Dogs spend most of their time up in the grass and there are exposed to many ticks.
From my illustration above, your life is your dog and you are its owner or master. Now your life is always exposed to a lot of setbacks, hurdles, failures, and a lot of draw backs. Life is always a hustle and it is like a dog out there in the grass, playing, hunting and even strolling you meet a lot of challenges and in most cases just like the dog, you will always find your way out. Like most normal dogs when they meet someone outside their territories they usually panic, run away, ignore or just move away and continue with their journey, we too are caught in the same situations where we always avoid those areas that do not have anything to do with our journey and even if we see some challenges trying to come our way, we avoid them. If we see any job that might want to taste our determination, we usually run away and whenever we find someone or something trying to attack our position, we usually run away. When you see that your company is about to restructure, we usually run away by starting to look for alternatives and by so doing we compromise our dedication to the job, such that when the actual restructuring comes you are ultimately shown the exit door and not because we were incompetent but just because you panicked before the actual stroke. Like I said as a dog going on its strolls, when you raise a stick or a stone and pretend to throw it, the dog will run away. This is considered normal but you need to train your dog, into those well-trained dogs that do not panic, and stay home defending their territory and even when they go for strolls, they are confident and they have a goal. You never see them wandering around and no one even dares attacks them because they are about their business and even if someone tries to infringe their rights, they will defend their mission.
We see that whilst the normal life is characterised by ego, most people have been living mediocre lifestyle not because they were destined for that but because they never take time to train their dogs. Train your dog to stay home most of the times, defend its territory and also not to eat any food outside their homes. I have had an opportunity to visit a home, where they had a well-trained dog and it was a marvellous experience and I compared it to the normal dogs I had met and I just concluded that it was also the same with our lives and this is the reason why we have the rich and the poor, the successful and failures, the hardworking and lazy, etc. Train your life with successful habits and you will be successful.
Now as you go about the hustles of life, you need to not note that you always come home with some suckers and these are the ticks. They drain your blood, they make you sulky, sick and they even damage your appearance and these ticks are not those people you have met in the grass out there but it is those people who are so close to you that sometimes you even take them out there with you into the grass. Just as the owner of the dog, you may not even notice them until they have bulged and when they are full of blood that they may even lay their eggs on your skin. Some of the people you call dear and close are real ticks and they drain your energy. They make you not believe in yourself, they negatively criticise you and they do not have the same goals, visions and dreams as you and they are parasites and the worst tragedy is that you are hosting them.

Tick them up and pluck them off, and even if it means using disinfectants, go right away and use them because it does not profit you to kill and suck your dog whilst sustaining those parasites. Guard yourself jealously from those ticks and it is always a routine process that requires determination and love. If you love your life and you want to be successful, then remember that your life is your dog and you are its owner. Do you want your dog to be that disciplined and determined well trained dog that is always clean and healthy, then go away train it and always check for the ticks or you just want your dog to be that normal, coward, and tick-stricken dog, then just do the opposite?