Develop successes from failures. Discouragement and failure
are two of the surest stepping stones to success – Dale Carnegie
Who said failures of today stop you from
achieving success tomorrow?
at times we have failed in our lives no one today can boldly say they have not
failed in life. Learn this from a baby learning how to walk, did this baby you
just wake up one day and began to walk? The answer to this question is no, unless
God worked a miracle such situations are there.
From the baby we learn that for them it
took constant times of failing for them to walk, have you ever asked yourself
how many times a young child fells trying to walk? These are countless times
each day they fail but they keep trying. Success is stumbling from failure to
failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

Jump into Your Future
Successful people learn from their failures- Unknown
Today learn from your failures as much as
you learn from success. Learning is a continuous process that can never be
avoided and learning from failures is a great problem. Today is your chance to
learn from failure. There are no secrets
to success it is a result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.
Learning and admitting you have failed is the first step of defeating failure.
After falling the down the little baby cries they eat at night and sleep.
Tomorrow morning they are back on their journey of trying to walk. Till they
get their goal they won’t stop.
wisest men is not the one with the fewest failures but the ones who turns
failures to best account – Richard R Grant
For years Abraham Lincoln failed in his
political career until he was in his 50s he managed to be the President of The
United States OF America. He got to this position but he had failed to become
senator or a minister but after trying for over 30 years became President.
Today people speak of Abraham Lincoln. Think of it if you gave up today your
great vision that was to inspire people, create employment, and make you the
next prominent business person in Zimbabwe. Does that vision die because we
failed today? Always bear in mind that
your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other. – Abraham
Lincoln. Successful people in life have failed at some time, some had business
and economic condition left them with nothing but today they are back and are
making more money than ever expected
We are a country that celebrates people that have failed over
the years and only succeed once these are words said by a speaker at President
Donald Trumph ‘s inauguration this is why America is great. They celebrate the
light bulb inventor who a failed over a 1000 times and succeed once.
Ask yourself how many times have l failed? What’s
my main reason of giving up? Asking yourself these questions will make you
realise that there is no reason to stop, we may be disappointed, heartbroken,
manipulated by friends and family but it’s not the end of it all today is a new
day and embrace success.
stop working unless you do. Do you want your dream to die?
of today do not stop you from achieving tomorrow’s success – Tendai Mungate