1. Innovations
Small business do not make any claims as to uniqueness. Your business is one out of many businesses alike (for example, hairdressing saloon, restaurant, law office, blog/video blog etc.). Starting a business, you may easily follow out-of-the-box solutions.
Innovations are the most important things for a startup. Startups are meant to create something new and to improve what already exists. For instance, one may develop a new class of goods (wearable device), a new business model (Airbnb) or a technology no one knows as of yet (3D printing).
2. Scopes
To what scopes your business will come up to?
Small business makes progress within limits established by a businessperson oneself. In other words, you put limitations on growth of the company and focus on service of a certain circle of customers.
Startup, as a rule, does not put any limitations on its growth and focused on winning over as much market share as possible. You are ready to increase your influence until you become a leader of industry.
3. Rate of growth
How fast will your business grow?
Small business, of course, should grow fast but a high-priority task is to make a profit. When a business opens benefits, its growth happens as and when necessary.
Startup should always grow and within the shortest possible time creating a reproducible business model. You should be able to reproduce success of the company worldwide.

4. Profit
How soon business will be paid off and how much it is possible to earn?
Small business is focused on getting earnings and, if possible, a profit from the very first day. Closing gain of the company depends on a chief`s appetites let alone plans for business expansion.
It might take months or even years for a startup to gain first cents. A top target is to create a product, which consumers will like and will take on a market. If this aim will be achieved, profit of the company will be millions. (For instance, present evaluation of Uber company is 50 billions dollars.
5. Finance
How much are you to invest?
Small business. In order to start one’s own business, as a rule, private savings, investments on the part of one`s family, friends, banking credits and/or investor funds will do. However, your goal is to be self-sufficient, which is why you need to be attentive when it comes to contracting debts as long as all this money are to be returned someday with interest.
Startup. Many projects are run by private means or with the help of family members and close ones. Crowd funding is becoming more and more popular. Financial borrowings from business angels, venture funds and investors remain the most common version. Startup should reach out the stage of development, which is why it requires additional capital before the company begins making profits. It is useful to remember that investors wait for extra financial return, which creates additional pressure on the company. In addition to this, there is an opinion that startups do not have to rely on financing on the part of venture funds.

6. Technologies
Are there any technologies used running a business?
Small business. There are no special technologies required. There are many out-of-box technological solutions, which are to be applied to achieve main business goals. Technologies in the sphere of marketing, accountant`s solutions, etc.
Startup. Technologies are oftentimes the main product of startup. But even if it is not so, startup cannot help but using new technologies to achieve fast growth and scale-up.
7. Life cycle.
For how long will your business run?
Small business. 32% of enterprises are shut down in the first three years, which is not bad comparing to startups…
Startup. 92% of enterprises are shut down during the first three years.
8. Team and management
How many workers are to hire?
For a small business as many workers are usually hired, as needed so a company worked within the established limitations of growth.
Startup manager should develop leader and managing qualities from the very beginning as long as startup should grow as fast as possible. As the company develops, you are to work with increasing amount of staff, investors, directors and other concerned parties.
9. Way of lifeHow your work and private life will be combined?
Small business, comparing to startups, takes less of a risk and duties. Which makes it to where it is possible to combine work and personal life well enough. At the same time, life of a businessperson is full of calls unknown for those who work 9AM-6PM. Thus, in a very elementary stage, any business will require high efforts. But in time work and personal life ratio are to be balanced.
Startup. If there are investors` funds, the company will start making a profit earlier. Considering it, there is no time to lose. There are people next to you who waits until you create something unbelievable. So, a balance between work and personal life is out of the question. Work, work and work again!
10. Exit strategy
What your business will end up with?
Small business. Two versions here: make it a family business or to sell it.
Startup. Usually moves towards next stage via large deal on sale or IPO - Initial public offering.
Is it possible for a small business to become a startup or vice versa? Yes, probably but everything depends on a chief`s decision. Sometimes it depends on a founder`s intentions (meaning whether a company is wished to be seen in another role), sometimes – is conditioned by external factors (a product demand changed, market conditions).
Either way, it is very important to have an eye for distinguishing features of startup and small business and to realize what fits you best of all. this Ability will allow to correlate one`s possibilities and expectations let alone to choose the best plan for achieving desired goals.

About the author: Melisa Marzett working for custom essay writing from bigessaywriter.com is great at writing guest posts because she enjoys the process and would want to think that people reading her pieces enjoy they job she make just as well or even more.