is the capacity to influence others and everyone is born a leader but very few
grow to become successful leaders. What happened to our inherent Leadership
capacity? As we grew up, something came and devoured our leadership spirit, it
told me that only a few people could do it. It told me that only a few people
were chosen to lead, but today I have come to reclaim my position, I have come
to challenge, that I still have what it takes to lead my life. You are the master
of your own life, you lead your way to what you want. I believe that we all
have what it takes, to lead our way into success since everyone is born a
leader. I would like to quote myself where I always say, “Everyone is born a
leader go your way, but be responsible.”
I remember
as kid I could go my way, I could think of creating anything and I would go on
and try it, though I failed many times with my explorations and I don’t even
remember how many times I tried to create something but it could not work, but
one think kept me trying and that is the leadership spirit. I was more than the
word innovative, and every time I look at some of my artifacts, I always marvel
at how my childhood was embodied with creativity. In fact it was all leadership
as I did not need anyone to tell me when to light the switch during my experiments,
I did not need someone to tell me how many batteries were needed to light up
the bulb, but it still got it lit on the first attempt, but now I need someone
to tell me how many to put to light it up. This was part of my childhood, but
as I grew up something caught up with my capacity in the name of instilling
discipline and order, they told me which paths to use at school when instead I
could cut my shortest possible way to the gents.
Any attempt to think on my own was met with a
grip hand, where a firm punishment was put on me as I tried to exercise my
thinking and creativity. Now here they now ask me to create and find innovative
ways to our problems and to my amazement, they are asking me to use the skills
they long killed for more than a decade. I don’t even remember when I was last
called for creativity outside the English essay which would be guided by the
number of words and worse still I am even told of words that will actually earn
me marks rather than driving my point home. I don’t even remember when I was
last asked to solve a scientific problem outside the provided procedure and
apparatus and all I am simply told is to repeat an experiment that someone did
centuries ago and they expect me to be amused, and call myself a scientist. No,
I can’t be.
I believe my
story is part of every African story, they have killed the core of our
leadership, and that is creativity. Leadership is all about creativity, and all
true leaders are creative. The call to Leadership in Africa lies in restoring
that inherent leadership capacity that has been lying dormant deep within
people though it has always tried to come out and reclaim its space, but it has
been threatened by so called position, where those in positions think that they
are the only ones that have what it takes for the success of a brand, company,
school, organization, etc. The solution to Africa’s leadership problems, lies
not within leadership seminars, countless leadership calls nor many leadership
talk but deep down within every man’s creativity and innovation. Leadership is
not about position but about action, it is not about which title you are
entitled to, it does not matter you are the CEO, manager, supervisor, coordinator,
minister etc. but we all judged by the actions that we have taken to creatively
and innovatively find our way to the betterment of our lives.Can you call
yourself a leader when you still conduct your meeting the same way you used to do
a decade ago, when you still attend to your business the same way you did years
ago? Can youcall yourself a good leader
when your gate security still have to lift that heavy boom gate bar when instead
they can now just press a button? Can you call yourself a good leader when your
workers can still cheat their way in the log book, when instead you can just
use biometric technology? Can you still call yourself a good leader when your workers
can easily cheat you in the packing plant, when technology now enables you to
remotely monitor their work on camera?Many companies got broke because they lacked
creativity or they missed it when they failed to grow their innovation and they
were outpaced by the innovative competitors and a story is told of Kodak, the
once greatest camera film maker on how they watched as the digital era took
over. They did not embrace the new innovation of digital camera and creatively
position themselves up for the booming competition. You can’t call yourself a
good company owner when you still think you can handle your workforce affairs,
when you can assign or hire Human resources team to effectively manage your
human resources affairs. You need to creatively find your space in this era, of
stiff competition in every area or sphere of our own lives. If you want to stay
afloat in this hustle and hectic modern life, I do not call for a leadership
class first, but first deal with your creativity.
One thing
for sure is that we all have what it takes to lead our own way, and in one of
my posts, I mentioned something about the Best Leader, which I argued that the
best leader was none other than being you, it was not in that so called
manager, or supervisor but it all started within self and those position
holders only worked in support with your Leadership. Improve your creativity
and you automatically improve your Leadership, and you position holders, do not
suppress their creativity and innovative zeal but rather synergy their energy
and capacity to the betterment of all.