5 Properties of Powerful Goals

Jim Rohn once said"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment" and I have consistently grown to believe so that in order to achieve something discipline is of paramount importance and I still find a lot of people with dreams sao high, they dream so big and many a time they just continue dreaming big nd to their surprise nothing reeally materialises and we got back to the famous saying, "Zviroto ngazvigumire muzviroto" and many still looking for the powerful formula for goal getting and I'm here to give you first the properties of powerful goals. This is what makes every goal and a goal is not even a goal if it does not have these five properties of goals. Take you time to read these and every time you sit down to write your goals make sure they meet these properties.


What is it that you want to achieve? Be specific, nail it right. Don't meander but just be straight to the point, this will also make it easy for you to recall and recite your goals. I have seen some other people's goals which are not specific, like they just say, 'I want to pass' without specifying with what magnitude. A 50% is still a pass, same as 99% is still a pass, so be specific as to what you really want. Still on that I have always said, what makes you achieve your goals is that inherent potential in you. It is that potential in you that you need to tap into. It is that fuel you already possess that needs to be ignited and that makes you achieve your goals. Lets say your goal is to be the head of communications in your company then your goal should be like, "I am going to do everything necessary to equip me to gain the necessary skills and ability to lead the head of communications in the next 5 years"This type of goal will help you concentrate on the specific attributes of self that needs to be improved or killed in order to be better placed for what is coming soon. It is something that is deep in you that needs to improved.


Why is it important to measure your goals? It is because you need to note progress and track your success and failures towards your goal attainment and this will always include some important questions like:
How much?
How far?
How many?
How hard?

The measure includes both quantitative and qualitative aspects but these are very necessary and this brings ton what I already highlighted before that a 505 is still a pass, so you need the real value of what you want.


Have you heard of something called unrealistic goals...Ask me. I have heard of them and I have also set them, but these are just goals that you cant achieve to be honest. It is more like you are saying, "I want to own private jets in a year's time" when you don't even have a penny in your pocket, or not even a profitable business.

How are you going to achieve your goal?
What other constraints are you going to face in achieving your goal?
What resources do you have

These will help you to see if your goal is attainable given the resources you have and challenges you likely to face.


Does the goal matter to you I have seen some other people sweat to buy a car or some Nikes just because they have seen some other people doing so... and I ask them if this is necessary. Don't be pushed to achieve other people's goals. So this is also very important to check if these goals represent what you really need and believe in then if they do, go ahead and work for them.

Do the goes reflect my personal values?
Is it the right time?
Do I really need it?


Time is money, and remember time flies so you need to check your goals against acertain time frame otherwise if it does not have a time frame them it is not agoal, as some would like to put it that the difference between a goal and a dream is on time frame.

What can I do 3 months from now?
What can I achieve in a year from now?

Thanks for going through this article... If you have any Questions, Suggestions and Testimonies feel free to drop them in the comment box below
