Just Look for Another Door in 2018

I know you might be having something you have been pushing really hard in life, you have that one thing you have been holding to for so long, you have something that you expected, you had placed you  faith so much in that you can’t even bear the fact of it suddenly crushing. All expectations are not met, and life seems to have crushed for you, but today I have good news for you and as usual I do not have some rocket science method to have your turnaround but rather have simple tried and tested strategies and thoughts. Expectations bring us worry in our lives, and they have been causing stress in many people and it seems normal as some would like to say, ‘That’s the life’.

Alexander Graham Bell once said, “We become so occupied by closed doors in our lives that we tend to forget that when one door closes another is about to open”. This has been our problem, we become so entrenched in the past that we forget that we have a Now to live in and a future to prepare. You can’t change what happened but instead prepare for the future as another once said, “Yesterday is not there for us to change but tomorrow is there for us to win or lose”. I do not care how many doors have been closed in your life, but all I care about how many are still open to you. When one door closes another door opens, when your business closes another opens, when your job closes another opens but it is only those who are not so occupied in the past that they see they have a future to prepare. In a dwindling and sinking economy, I saw some people constructing buildings, building empires, starting businesses, buying houses, buying expensive, living large and all those good thinks. Where some people where complaining of no jobs, I still saw job adverts and still some people being employed, where some were sacked from their jobs I still saw some starting their own companies.

Whilst you were busy gossiping about someone they were busy making their life and preparing for the future. While you were avoiding some other people in your life, you were giving them enough room to pursue their dreams. Whilst you thought you had pulled them down and crushed their dreams, but instead you were giving them enough zeal to prove you wrong and fuel to pursue their dreams. Greatness in not for those who never fail, but those who see failure as a lesson as Benjamin Franklin once said, “I have not failed but I have just learnt how something cannot be done”. To them a closed door is just that door which cannot take them to their goals and instead they opt for the open doors. They do not waste time trying to open the closed door, but instead they would rather look on the wall for another door because they know they is always a way out. A closed door is not the end of life, rather it is just one door that will not take you to your desired next level. When a door closes, look for another door and try your luck, if it closes again look for another, but the good thing is that this time around you will be more experienced to even tell which door is about to close way before it does and you are just more knowledgeable to not waste so much time on closed doors but rather move on to another level.

I like Nelson Mandela quote when he said, “Don’t judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I have fallen and got up again”. It is not how many doors that were open to you that measures your success, but it is a matter of how many doors closed in your face, which you opted not to waste your time on. There is no sweet without success and success would not be enjoyable if there were no challenges. Another one once said, “If it was easy everyone could be doing it”. It is never easy but the key is not to concentrate on the closed doors of your life, but rather on finding the one that has been opened for you. It might be dark in your room but only know that when one door closes, another opens and all you need to be just to find it. 


Tinashe Bonde is a Motivational speaker, Leadership Coach, Author and Blogger. He is the founder of African Pride Motivation www.africanpridemotivation.blogspot.com He is passionate about promoting Africanism. Get in touch with him on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ ( Tinashe Bonde)
